Why UpSkill?

UpSkill Today!!

What is UpSkilling?

Upskilling is the process of acquiring new and relevant competencies that are required to make your life better and your work easier. It includes all sorts of learning be it behavioral or technical. Although, it is popularly used for technical learning because it is assumed that behavioral learning is natural and may not come with practice but everything about a persons' self can be changed with it. You can always become a better human being if you keep updating yourself with changes required to stand out.

Why should you UpSkill?

Upskilling is important to stay updated, perform better and deal with situations in the most efficient way.  This is an evolutionary process, it's about how to think within, respond to and rapidly adapt to a morphing technological environment in a way that is sustainable over time. In other words, upskilling should become a habit for long-lasting success.

How can I UpSkill?

Upskilling is about exploring your life. There are many different ways you can learn new things and improve your portfolio. The best learning happens with acting already but it is not an opportunity that everyone gets on their plates. I am personally a restless soul, I need to know everything that comes to my way and love to keep upskilling myself. Here are my three recommendations:

1. Learn from Peers: It is always the best idea to ensure you are surrounded by good and happy souls that would make you feel special and help you grow. Express your interests if something someone knows is interesting to you and you would like to learn it too. Reach out and network with a circle beyond your comfort zone and learn from their experience what makes them special. An idea that is already executed is better to be picked from its current status than reinventing the wheel.

2. Learn from Opportunities: Keep your eyes open, spread the word around that you are keen and enthusiastic. There are a lot of times when people need help and can't find experts and then they find out people like you to figure out something for them. If you are open to learning, you can always go shameless asking for opportunities. You may fail many times but a few times you will win will define you and help you keep you motivated to appreciate the journey of learning.

3. Learn from Training: This is the easiest and the most easily available option to upskill and reskill. Training and courses are very popular ways of learning all sorts of skills and with almost zero pre-requisites. Be it offline or online, these are the easiest and most abandon knowledge zones, I love how these courses, webinars, and workshops are becoming so popular with the advent of free internet and the increasing pace at which technology is changing.

In short, there is no one right way to learn and there is nothing like learning enough. Life is not a race it's a marathon, you should learn every moment. Be critical to yourself and make sure you are not doing anything that pleases you less. Observe around, find out the reasons and make sure you are your favorite. Stay tuned for more domain-specific learning.

